Chahko Mika Mall is a primary shopping choice for customers in the West Kootenays due to the convenience of our location, ease of parking (855 parking stalls), and proximity to the recreational facilities located at Lakeside Park. Businesses enjoy the loyalty and regular shopping habits of Kootenay residents as well as a strong, consistent flow of visitors to the area throughout the year.
Nelson is centrally located in a trading area that includes some 90,000 people within a two hour drive, with 70,000 of those within a one hour drive. At a recent conference, Kootenays in the 21st Century, it was cited that 25,000 people come into Nelson each day. This high traffic flow offers a measure of security for business owners, as does the stability of the economic base including: forestry, government services, retail, health care, tourism and retirement industries.
Business owners looking for an exceptional opportunity will find it in Nelson at the Chahko Mika Mall.
Leasing Enquiries -Alex Dudley